9 Reasons Why Women Don’t Admit to Watching Porn

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In today’s society, it seems as if it is becoming more and more common for women to watch porn.
Have you ever wondered why a woman that hid  in the hidden corner  of porn-watching doesn’t admit to it? I’ve uncovered the truth behind the denial.
 But is it really? Maybe it’s just more common for women to admit to watching it, particularly if they mention that they only watch the “artsy” or “sensual” type of porn.
Although this may be true, there is still an incredible amount of women who feel the need to conceal their porn watching ways. Most men watch porn on a regular basis. And most men know that women do, too. So why the denial?.(Now try this  How Do the Ladies Like  P'ornography?)
So, what did I do? I sat myself down and did some self-reflecting on this issue. I even got the help of a few close girlfriends that I know who watch it too.
Why women deny watching porn
We’ve compiled a list of all the different reasons why some women feel the need to keep their porn watching habits in lock down mode. Many of my  friends have questioned me about his time and time again. So I’ve decided to not only shut them up, but also shed some light on this seemingly never-ending mystery.
1. We’re embarrassed. This stems from watching porn being considered taboo. It’s not something that women are “supposed” to be doing – in a traditional sense. So we get embarrassed for people to know that we do watch it.
We’re also embarrassed because viewing porn kind of goes hand in hand with masturbation and being perverse, particularly if we go into the specifics of what kind of porn we watch. Many people still think that the type of porn you watch is the type of sex that you want to be having. That’s not always true.

2.It’s still considered taboo. While watching porn may be lightening up when it comes to just how “wrong” it is to society, there are still people who consider this extremely taboo. But for some reason, it’s more wrong for women to watch it than for men. Yay for double standards!
So, we don’t tell anyone. No girl wants to be viewed as someone who engages in something that’s considered taboo. We don’t want the label that is associated with watching porn.
3. It’s considered unladylike. We’re girls! We’re not supposed to eat too much, have short hair, burp in public, have hair in certain places, or watch porn
Society’s stereotype of women being only a certain way – that way being their preconceived perception of “proper” – has hindered a woman’s freedom of expression. We feel that if we step outside of that ladylike image, people will view us as impure and undesirable.
4. We fear the judgment. “Oh my gosh! She watches porn? She must be promiscuous.  Believe it or not, this is the reaction from a lot of girls who find out that other girls watch porn. But really, they probably watch it too!
[Read How Do the Ladies Like P'ornography?]
Not only are we fearful of judgment from other girls, but what about the men? If they find out we like to watch two strangers grinding their genitals together, most of their minds immediately start thinking that we must put out easily – a thought no girl wants any guy to be thinking of them.
5. Seance of Privacy. Some women may not even care about what society thinks *just as no one should*. For them, it’s more about their own privacy.
What women do behind closed doors can stay behind closed doors if they so choose. They may just keep it to themselves because it’s like their own little guilty pleasure *likewise*. You don’t see every exhausted mother who purges on snickers bars she has hidden in her underwear drawer telling the world about it afterwards, do you?
[Read 14 Best Ways to show a Guy You Like Him and Win Him Over ]
6.We think that it could give bad image about us. Most of the time, porn is associated with being perverted or sexually preoccupied. Once people know you watch porn, they think you do it every chance you get.
For men, this isn’t too much of a problem. After all, the porn industry revolves mostly around men, and them watching it is considered normal. For women, however, it can make people think that she’s so in touch with her sexuality that she may border on sexual deviance.
7. To keep their downstairs a mystery.  I told one of my guy friends that I watch porn, he immediately asks me if I masturbate? They also  7 ask what kind of videos I like best and many more questions that are just too personal.
If a woman responds honestly to men’s questions about her porn habits, this gives the men an inside look into a world that we just think should be kept to ourselves or to our significant others. Women like to keep their privates and what they do with their privates a secret from men. Men will then be more intrigued with a woman if they have to use their imagination.
8. Because other women don’t admit to it. Didn’t your Mamma ever ask you, “Well, if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you, too?” This is basically the same thing. Peer pressure, that is.

Nobody likes to feel like they’re really different. So if one woman says she doesn’t watch porn because “that’s gross,” or “it’s a guy thing,” then chances are, neither will the other. This leads to a never-ending chain reactions of girls just hiding the truth about them viewing other people having sex on screen.
9. We just don’t want you to know. Sometimes, there’s really no reason in particular. Watching strangers getting down and dirty for someone else’s viewing pleasure just isn’t something that other people need to know you do. And that’s perfectly fine! Everyone has secrets, and some women prefer to keep this as one of theirs.

Each woman has her own reason for keeping quiet about her porn watching ways. So if a woman tells you she doesn’t watch it, just accept that answer, and don’t question her further.

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yes it is true most women dont admit it at all